How is the photo shooting? 

Once at the studio. Pregnancy and newborn photographer Oksana Derai-Fok, La Ciotat

Comfort of a newborn during a photo shoot 

The photoshoot takes place in my home studio, which has everything you need for a comfortable process. 

Newborns are unpredictable, they have their own rhythm and it must be observed. The photo shooting can be up to 3 hours, it takes place without haste and in accordance with the rhythm, condition and needs of the baby.

Nipple pacifier

Children from birth can sleep deeply and for several hours. And in ordinary life, the baby maybe does not need a pacifier at all. 

But it also happens the other way around: children sleep sensitively and just 40 minutes. During the photo shoot, I change the baby’s clothes, put him in different poses, which may bother the baby. And if he is a light sleeper, he wakes up. Then a dummy comes to the rescue! Newborns have a highly developed sucking reflex, and sucking a pacifier has a calming effect. With slight motion sickness, the nipple helps to relax the baby and return him to his previous state of sleep.

Even if you are against using a pacifier, take into atention to my recommendation, please. During 2-3 hours of shooting, the baby will not get habits to use it, and after the photoshoot, you can throw it away and forget about it.


The newborn’s skin is very delicate. Weak development of sweat glands and active activity of sebaceous glands lead to rapid overheating or hypothermia of the child. The optimum temperature for shooting newborn babies is 21-26 degrees.

 Comfort and safety during a photo shoot 

The photo shoot is absolutely safe for the baby. All poses are natural and physiological, that is, in this position the baby was already lying in the womb.

My training program included lectures with a neonatologist, so all the poses that I use in a photo shoot are approved by neonatologists and are safe for a newborn.

Once at the studio. Pregnancy and newborn photographer Oksana Derai-Fok, La Ciotat

Hygiene, preparation of props and accessories

All things that are used during a photoshoot are processed — erased, then looked at or steamed. I also treat all surfaces, polishing pad, stand, clothespins and other accessories with antiseptic.

The baby and I are in close contact. Therefore, before shooting, I change into clean clothes and wash my hands.