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Booking and preparations. Pregnancy and newborn photographer Oksana Derai-Fok, La Ciotat

When is the best age for a newborn photoshoot?

The best time to photograph newborns is when they are between 5–14 days of age. As a mother, I know very well how difficult it is for parents in the first weeks of their child’s life. But this age is perfect for the first photo shoot.  At this point they are still very sleepy and like to curl up as if they were still in the womb.

Once babies get older, they might get a bit colicky and they will start to move much more which means that they are more likely to be disturbed while sleeping. Capturing your newborn within the first two weeks of life while they are still sleepy and curled up, can make all the difference in newborn portraits.

If for some reason it was not possible to hold a photo session within the above deadlines, it is possible to hold it up to 30 days from birth.

When is the best time to book a newborn photoshoot? 

Plan your photo shoot in advance while you are pregnant. If you already know your approximate due date, we can book a date for photoshoot (it’s free). After the birth of the child, we will adjust the shooting date if it will be necessary.

You can also to write me after the birth of the baby. In this case, I recommend contacting as early as possible after childbirth. If there are free dates, I will be happy to become your baby’s first photographer.

Booking and preparations. Pregnancy and newborn photographer Oksana Derai-Fok, La Ciotat
Booking and preparations. Pregnancy and newborn photographer Oksana Derai-Fok, La Ciotat

  How to prepare for a newborn photoshoot? 

The most important thing is your attitude! 😊 A great mood is already half the success! The newborn feels the emotional background of everyone present at the shooting! 

I also recommend not to plan anything on the day of the photoshoot. 

Feed your baby right before the session so he is content and not hungry. This could also help baby to sleep.

I recommend take with you: 

  • a pacifier — it closes the basic need for sucking. I use a pacifier if necessary, it is not always needed, but it is desirable that it is at hand; 
  • wet wipes, diapers, a remedy for colic (if prescribed by a doctor or mother decided to give it), a blanket, favourite music. 
  • clothes in neutral colours without print for family frames (parents). For example, white/black/gray/beige/blue T-shirts for both parents or a neutral dress (for mom) and a matching shirt/polo (for father). It is recommended to irone the clothiers. I also recommend that mother has neatly style her hair, tidy up her hands and nails. Father also needs to pay attention to the haircut and hands. 


    The question is very important. On the one hand, a photographer needs content (and I’m not exception). Photographers need material to show they skills, level. 

    According to the law, a photographer has no right to publish photos without the client’s consent, therefore: 

  1. I always ask permission to publish; 
  2. I don’t post photos without consent; 
  3. If I have consent to publish, I don’t link to parent’s pages and the baby’s name.